Different types of spacers

There are a lot of different types of spacers. I listened to a pharmacist recently who gave a webinar about the importance of using a spacer. 

He said if you don't use a spacer with your inhaler, the medicine goes to the back of your throat (because it comes out of the inhaler at 50 miles per hour.) Yikes!

Many people don't use spacers because they take up room in a briefcase, purse, or backpack. 

Or they may not know how to use one - and many doctors don't tell their patients they need one. 

Of course it's easier to just slip the inhaler in your pocket, but what's the point of using an inhaler if you aren't getting the medicine down into your lungs? If it just goes to the back of your throat and you swallow it?

Another thing the pharmacist said was to make sure you wait several minutes between puffs on your inhaler. There is a reservoir in the bottom of the inhaler, and it needs to refill before it can discharge the medicine. 

So, once again you may be using your inhaler but you are not getting any medicine into your lungs.

 He said DO NOT do two quick puffs in a row. Because you will be getting half of the medicine you think you are getting.
